Hollingsworth Law Firm

Stop The Violence H-Town: Fatal Stabbing



Saturday morning in Houston’s Galleria area took a horrifying turn when a 17-year-old mother was cut down in her prime. Walking to work, she was suddenly attacked by a ruthless individual and brutally stabbed. Her life was taken in a senseless act of violence, apparently over A PURSE!

Police swarmed the scene, responding to panicked flags from concerned bystanders. Arriving paramedics found the victim already deceased. Bystanders and businesses nearby were stunned by the entire scene. When something like this happens the grief extends not only to the family but the community as well.

Investigators are asking for local businesses’ help as well as any possible witnesses. Witnesses spoke of a Hispanic or Asian woman, as the suspect, fleeing on a blue bicycle and wearing a brown jacket with brown leggings.

Hood News Peeps, we can’t remove our emotion from this story- WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! This disgusting act of violence is becoming so common that we have become used to it. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE HOOD SHOULD BE ABOUT!

We should be about COMMUNITY, CHARITY, AND FAMILY. We can’t let this kind of mockery of our values continue, it flies in the face of what we stand for. Let’s do better people, let’s DO BETTER.

Our prayers go out to the family as we can only imagine the horrific pain they are feeling. If anyone connected to her family knows of a way Hood News Peeps can help, contact me.

UPDATE 12/13/23: Police have caught the suspect in the fatal stabbing of 17-year-old Kayla Stevenson in the 5100 block of West Alabama Street this past weekend. Police arrived with a SWAT unit at a residence in the 10200 block of Beechnut Street and arrested, without incident, 37-year-old Kaysone Sky Blossom. She is charged with capital murder and is locked up in the Harris County Jail. Shout out to the brave men and women of the HPD for serving the community in this matter.

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