Business Center Dr in Pearland

Hey everybody, we got theinformation ! Thank you! This information has been forwarded over to Pearland PD. As soon as I can, I will update everybody. Stay tuned.
Earlier today, a bunch of Hood News Peeps and myself witnessed a video that was very troublesome to watch.
A man was scolding a child in a grocery store parking lot on Business Center Dr in Pearland, Texas. This video was recorded by a Peep who saw something that wasn’t right, and she began recording.
In the video we saw a little girl being scolded by a man and at one point, the man grabs her around the neck and lifts her up. She was on tippy toes as he held her that way.
The Peep states that she did not call Police because she was experiencing an emergency. The video was sent to me.
Unfortunately, it took hours until a police report was made and precious time was lost. Pearland PD is now aware of the video and they are investigating.
Please help us make sure that the little girl is OK
Happened today at 5:36 PM. The Pearland Police Report #: 2025002110
If anyone has any information, please reach out to Pearland PD. Dodge Ram truck with Florida plates.

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