From Messenger: Response from Mike Jackson


From Mike Jackson via Messenger:

Look.. I am a very private person.  I live a quiet and peaceful life on purpose, contrary to the content of the video.  I have reached a point in my life where I completely stay in my own lane, I don’t bother people, and I don’t like being out too much in random places like this for this EXACT reason.  Oh.. I fell off of a 2 story ladder today if that makes people feel better.

That being said, I did play a role in this unfortunate, upsetting predicament, so I will deal with it accordingly.

Hey, I get it.  But it’s so wild to read comments from people who watched a 5 minute video, and lie and exaggerate it to make it something that it just wasn’t.  Why do you have to make up scenarios that aren’t real?  What’s your motivation for the exaggeration?  It was only 5/6 minutes.

As far as a timeline, From the time I walked in the door until I left, it was maybe 6 minutes.  6 minutes that I was there total.  Not 15, not 25 or 30 as stated by the volunteer lead detectives in the comments.

It’s AMAZING how EVERY SINGLE WORD THE GIRL SAID was immediately overlooked as fast as the disrespect was coming out of her mouth.  Let’s get this clear before I tell my side..  I hate to say it this way, but this is mostly a classic case of fuck around and find out.  She started a whole problem for no good reason, and found out I’m too old to play, or to be played with.  You can’t play in everybody’s face and expect everything to go your way.  I value my peace so much, that when it’s disturbed, I will go through hell and high water to eliminate or remove myself from that energy.  Congratulations to the people who are saying this is the worst thing they’ve ever seen or heard.. you must live a fantastic life, just not sure what planet you’re on.

Why would I have the motivation to start issues in a place where I’m about to eat?  Why would I have the motivation to invite ANY problems in my life?  That’s not what I do.  I’m the guy who warns people to be nice and tip the servers and people taking your order at the drive through.

Here’s the first thing that I understand by reading the comments.. no one cares what she said or did…  at all.  It doesn’t matter.  No one cares how it started or what initiated the whole exchange.. the same way I was saying things to get to her, she was doing the exact same thing.  The difference is she was on the clock..  so she was going hard as she could without getting loud, she just met her match that day.  Everybody wants to be equal until they don’t.  That’s moving the goal post, and females in particular have learned since birth how to manipulate situations in order to benefit them.  And you surface level thinkers make it easy for them.  I don’t.  I say you want to be equal, be equal.  If you can say fuck me, I can say fuck you without one concern about gender.  Once you go outside of your feminine nature, and challenge a grown man, you’re either crazy or you don’t mind being treated like one of the guys.  So I will oblige. It’s impossible for me to speak that way to a female who is in her feminine energy.. I don’t do that.  I will just walk away before I disrespect a soft spoken woman.  She can win EVERYTIME, I can not sit there and argue with a lady.  I won’t do it. However, once you put yourself in a man’s place, I will treat you that way.  And everything is fair game, outside of putting hands on her.

Just using the most basic of common sense, you KNOW there was something that happened before the guy started recording.  The only way you could think something else, is because you have a hidden bias of some type.  You all took the parts from the video that you wanted, and kinda just made up a whole 44 year life timeline from 5 minutes.  Think of the arrogance and misinformation about how we exist here YOU must have to think you can compact a human life from 44 years down to 3-5 minutes.  And then to be so bold as to plaster that opinion online for the world to see… ok

Show me your perfect life and I’ll show you a liar.

The girl brought her personal feelings / internal issues to work.  I can assume that the way she behaved and talked to me that day, it wasn’t her first time either.

She KNEW what she did, and was doing, and that’s why she didn’t call the police.  Commenters made all kinds of assumptions as to why no police were called.  She NEVER asked me to leave, she was being a smart ass when she asked why don’t I go eat somewhere else.  She was just talking shit, she wasn’t kicking me out.  She knew I was waiting on the order and it wasnt going to take long. She was just talking shit.

You people act as if there weren’t people in the kitchen and people in the dining area.  Some of these comments are super creative but disrespectful.  You have people acting as if this is some fragile 10 year old who can’t help herself.  If she needed or wanted help, she would’ve got it.  This seems very basic to me, however your commenters have trouble keeping a fact a fact.

Common sense says if you are afraid, you don’t talk shit back to the person.

Common sense says is she felt even a little threatened, she could ask one of the 4/5 patrons in there to help you.  Or turn around and go into the kitchen for a coworker.  I wasn’t being threatening, I was being mean, because she had completely disrespected my whole presence as a human.  There’s a difference, and I realize neither one should have been an option. I should have just left and ate KFC or something that day.

It’s insane how you people want to make her a victim and me a villain so bad you’re ignoring the obvious. Whether that’s call the police, or whatever else.  SHE NEVER DID THAT!  She didn’t FORGET to call the police.. she didn’t forget the number to the police.. and she didn’t forget how to use her words to say help if that’s what she had in her mind to say.

She was WILLINGLY and ACTIVELY engaging in our disrespectful back and forth. EVEN WHEN THE DUDE RECORDING TOLD HER TO CALL 911, SHE SAID NO and shook her head.  It’s in 4 fucking k.  And here you people go trying so hard to make it something it wasn’t.  I called a disrespectful, mean and rude girl a bitch.  There has to be more to that how hard y’all are going for someone who was not just fully engaged, BUT ACTUALLY STARTED THE WHOLE SHIT.

Maybe if I said BIYAATCH like Too Short y’all would think it was cool.  Jesus.  Y’all expected me to keep my composure in a heated situation, but y’all can’t even control your fingers from typing the most vile shit anyone can say.  Why are you trying so hard that you make lies and make up scenarios that aren’t true. It was bad enough in itself, why do you have to lie?

The fact is, nobody needed to be protected or saved…  I was in my seat the whole time I was talking, I was just a little loud and mean.. you people act as if you have never heard another person call another person a bitch, particularly when the other person is talking shit also.

The exaggeration as if I just walked In saying bitch bitch bitch and cussing everybody out and asking who wants to fight.  I didn’t even know or care that the cameraman was even alive until he put a camera in my face.  The fact is, he didn’t do that to protect ANYBODY.  He wanted a viral video, that’s why initially he was holding the phone down, not letting it be known he was recording.  He’s full of shit and now people are calling him a hero.  That’s silly and people are so gullible. How does that protect you if you’re in danger?  It doesn’t… calling 911 if you really feel threatened makes sense.. that’s SAY IT WITH ME.. COMMON SENSE.

SO.. he didn’t feel like he was in danger,  and neither did the girl, WHICH WAS WHY SHE DENIED HIS 911 request, and by the way, NEVER went to get a coworker.

my voice raised and the FIRST curse word came out of my mouth RIGHT AFTER I said she was nobody for how she was taking to me before the camera started.  She was treating me like a nobody, so I said she was nobody.  She looked at me and said “who are you?  I was already in my seat, and the food had been ordered. Who are you?  That PROVES WHAT I SAID ABOUT HER INITIAL LOOK SHE GAVE ME WHEN I FIRST WALKED UP.  LIKE WHAT do you want.  Out of her own mouth on video you hear her say that.  You don’t do that if you’re terrified.

It’s amazing how every single one of you ignore that part like you did when trump said he can grab women by the privates.. I think you should just keep quiet.  Y’all want to be a part of something so bad.. want to be a part of the group against the bad guy so bad.. want to be accepted so bad that you don’t even care if it’s with other weirdo strangers making threats and being vile on a video post where you’re complaining about my mouth.  Super weirdos.

The FACTS ARE, as horrible of a situation y’all want to make it appear to be, there were no threats made, not once.. not even to the loser with the camera.  I saw the comment of the closet racist who posted the video, stating that she was about to cry etc trying to get likes and add extra to it like he’s a hero..  WHEN YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE IN THE VIDEO THAT SHE WENT ON WITH  BUSINESS AS USUAL, and even met me at the front with my food, she knows the role she played to provoke me to frustration.  Closet racists are gonna say she was just being the bigger person.  No.. She THOUGHT she was going to be able to do me any kind of way, MOST LIKELY the same way she has before to others who looked a little grungy coming in.  She’s not wise enough to know a gucci belt doesn’t equal wealth.  She judged a book by the cover.  So I have no doubt she was judging me on my appearance and / or race.

Do you really believe this was her very first time treating a customer this way when she felt so comfortable doing it that day?

I was seated and just talking the same type of shit I was getting from her.. See.. You want to see a black man get upset so bad so you can verify the internal feeling and negative image you got from your ABUELA when she told you about blacks since you were little.  Go ahead Mexicans.. lie and say your parents didn’t care if you were with a black boy growing up.. closet racist gonna say my parents didn’t care.. knowing if yours didn’t you ABSOLUTELY KNOW SOMEBODY DOWN THE STREET WHO IT APPLIES TO.  I know all about it, so her UNPROVOKED INITIAL ATTITUDE WAS NOT SURPRISING OR A MYSTERY TO ME.

I KNOW EXACLTY WHO I AM, so any other energy between me and anyone around me, it’s easy for me to determine where it’s coming from if it’s not mine.  And since all I did was want to go get lunch the same way I do all the time, it wasn’t me that made that come out of her.  It was already there, I just presented the physical opportunity for it to come out simply by showing up at the wrong time.

Let me be crystal clear. 1, I never did anything to anyone who didn’t have it coming. ever. Do with that what you will..  2, My days of trying to convince anyone of who I am when I can clearly see they have no interest in the truth or a different perspective was over in my 30’s.

I’m not doing this for you tap water drinkers who watch “hood news” videos all day on Fb.  Or even worse, those who are holier than thou, yet make comments that rival and even blow WHATEVER I said in the restaurant out of the water.

Guaranteed you’re the same people who can’t wait to get dressed and stand in line to give your money away to Lakewood, thinking that’s going to negate the shit you did with your Monday – Saturday.

We aren’t the same.  I don’t expect you to understand me, how could you?

Your comments mirror you, not me.  So to all of you who feel important, I’ll double and triple down on what I’m saying.  You can’t shut me up, it ain’t easy.  That’s for all of the white night tough guys who feel good when they type “if I was in there I woulda”.. you’re the same people who would’ve said I bet he wouldn’t do that to a man.. and I did.. at a table of 2 of them, by myself.  That’s not to try to sound tough, it’s meant to reiterate what I wrote earlier about not letting my peace be disturbed.  All he had to do in that situation was nothing.  I would’ve got my food and left, and this whole thing would be another day in America.  This shit happens all day wherever you go.. because.. humans.  I wish I would let the internet try to tell me who I am.

So we’re at the point now where a mf can treat and talk to a grown man like a bitch, but as soon as you engage or defend yourself even just verbally, you’re the problem?  Cool. You walk around getting trampled on all day.. I won’t allow that for myself.. if you do, good for you.  I don’t go to 10 in every negative interaction, and I didn’t go to 10 that day.  That was a mild 5 in the world I live in. And agin, if that’s not your world, cool, stay where you’re at.  I’m in a world where a girl like that feels completely safe talking crazy to a grown man. It’s wild over here.

The rush to judgement based off of 3 minutes of anyone’s life is par for the course online, especially with a page called hood news with grizzly bear.

Let’s get to it.  Yes, I was 100% wrong for the words I used, my tone and volume, as well as the fact that it was a female at the other end of my words.  I will not pretend to be a victim, however, if you are actually interested in being an honest journalist instead of corralling a mob of keyboard warriors, you would and should know there is more than one side to report.  You’re doing it for clicks because this is how you probably eat.

So let’s start with WHY?

I understand the rush to judgement though.. I am a black man in a World, specifically a city where I get discriminated against just for going out in public.  Every.. Single.. Day.  The comments on that video are from THE VERY SAME people who do the discriminating in real life.  Gotcha.

It doesn’t  just come from white people who might think they have a higher position in life anymore, it comes from brown people young and especially old AND mostly the older black female population now days.  They hold their purse tighter than an old white woman when you walk by.  They have been trained to hate us the same way everybody else has.. I’ve been called to my face a Mayate by Mexicans, not one white person in my entire life has ever said that to me.

The bigger picture is, I leave the house daily anticipating a bad experience or two at some point of the day.  I don’t look for it, instead I try to avoid it at all cost.  On a regular day, I go to work, I take care of my business.  Part of me avoiding those bad experiences is me minding my business, and trying to be extra kind to anyone I have to come in contact with.  If you met me outside of this one horrible situation, you would say what anyone else would.. I’m quiet, I don’t bother anyone, I’m very helpful, resourceful, and kind.

98% of the time I’m followed or discriminated against in the grocery store, shopping mall, a restaurant or I’m not joking literally ANY place with a door that I enter, I do the right thing.  I say nothing, and I pretend as if it didn’t happen so I can continue my day as normal as possible.  I’m not slow in the least bit.  I have 44 years of experience with this, so believe me I know when it’s happening.

I know when the room gets quiet as soon as I walk in what’s going on.  I know when the cashier at the grocery store smiled and happily greeted someone who looked like him/her the moment before me, then doesn’t even look up and just says the total and holds the recipe out after they swipe my items what they are thinking.  I know why I see the security guard 10 times in 5 minutes while I shop.  I have that experience and similar experiences every single day.  And as I mentioned, 98% of the time, nothing happens.. I walk away and nothing happens.  The feeling is one of someone walking up to your face unprovoked, and saying damn you’re ugly… then just walking off as if nothing happened.  And nothing does happen.. nothing ever happens to the 98% of people who do these things.  Nothing.  They get to choose to be and act out their hate, racism and bias, with zero consequences.  No one gets to comment on those situations, because I’m not holding up my phone hoping to get some backup or validation from random people online. People were saying I shut my page down, get real. This isn’t that.. I just actually don’t post or be on here all day, because I’m actually living.

So to finally address the situation directly, what you and your followers are seeing is the pinned up frustration from day after day, time after time of not saying anything.. of letting it slide.. but it didn’t just slide off of me. It’s a weight you carry, and it gets heavier every time you have to experience this. and in this case specifically, I think the reason it took me over the edge was the very same reason I shouldn’t have said anything.. this was a young lady.  As a grown ass man, fully aware of the power of my tongue, I don’t get into any type of back and forth with women at my age.. I am the type to walk away and never look back if it’s that serious.  I am a very kind and considerate person, and I don’t normally let my emotions control my reality.   

Most people won’t take time to truly analyze the video to understand what’s really going on, but the truth is in 4k.

This was my 3rd time in one week visiting this place.  I didn’t know it existed until a week ago.  I liked the rice so much I went back 3 times, the same week.  I actually went there the night before to get 2 plates of the rice.  There was an older Hispanic lady working behind the counter.  Ask her how our interaction was, just one night earlier than the video which was the next day.  She greeted me with a grandmotherly vibe, and could tell I had been working hard by the way I looked.  She asked me what I did for work and we had a nice quick conversation.  Once my food was ready, she met me where I was at and we both said thank you.  She told me to come back, and I said I would.

With this video, what you are missing is the initial contact.  I know it won’t matter to anyone who just wants to make me the worst person on earth, but it matters to those who understand perspective.

I walked in, with the previous lady still in mind, actually hoping I would see her again.  See, at this point, I’m my mind, it’s a safe place for me.  I have places I avoid, even though I really want to go because I feel uncomfortable from a previous bad experience.. one of those 98% times where I just accept the disrespect and move on like everyone would expect for people to do.

But that expectation isn’t coming from the people who are being chronically discriminated against.. that unreasonable expectation comes from the people who have no idea about having anxiety just to go out in public because of the daily bullshit that comes with looking like me.  If you don’t look like me, respectfully, you have no valid opinion on the matter.  You have an opinion, but it’s impossible for you to know what you don’t know.

So I walked into this place feeling safe.. I felt like I was wanted there… accepted even.. and the food was good.  Let me say this.. I am NOT someone who needs to be greeted with a big smile and a hello.. I dont need any of that, and I definitely don’t demand it.  That’s ridiculous.  I’ll just remember and probably not patronize the place again.  I want as little interaction as possible, due to my social anxiety.  I DO however notice when I walk in a 7/11 and they all say “Welcome to 7/11”.. I also notice when they don’t.  I can see them miss me and say it to the person walking in next.  I say nothing, because for what?  I understand they probably don’t want to be there.. they don’t get paid enough.. they probably have to deal with rude or petty customers all day etc.. So I don’t think twice about it.  I came to get a soda, not meet a new friend.

As I walked up I noticed it wasn’t busy, and so I walked right up to the counter.  I hadn’t seen this girl any of the other times. She was standing there next to the counter cutting beans about 2 ft away.  She looked up at me, and I just smiled as to greet her, thinking that would be the time for her to say how may I help you.. or what would you like to order..  again, just a little proof that I’m quiet, and don’t talk a lot.  she immediately looked back down and kept cutting the beans as if I wasn’t even there.  I kind of just stood there for at least 10 seconds waiting for her to say something.  I wasn’t really bothered at this point, just confused..  I figured she must not be the cashier since she wasn’t acknowledging me.  She literally would not even look up from cutting the beans, 2 ft away from me.  It’s not like she was way over across the room or something, 2 ft. I waited some more and looked around to see if someone was coming from the back maybe, but nothing.  So, I noticed the bell on the counter, and rang it.  A quick little ding, not hard or ringing it like crazy.  Just ding.  I kind of felt stupid doing that, even rude since there was someone standing right there, but at that point I assumed she might not speak English.

I noticed over the years of me working with and just knowing Mexicans, that sometimes they are not trying to be rude by not speaking or greeting you, they just don’t know what to say and actually feel insecure about not knowing the language.  So with that in mind, I didn’t want to start taking to her and make her uncomfortable if she couldn’t speak English.

As soon as I rang the bell she looked up at me with as I described earlier as a typical disrespectful young kid these days would.   Her eyes rolling back, her mouth scrunched up with a “what” type of expression.  She literally was starring at me this way, still not saying a word.   Before she opened her mouth, I knew what it was.  But being that I deal with this daily, at that point it was just another Mexican who for whatever reason, most likely how she was raised didn’t like dealing with black men.  If you know you know, and if you don’t you will assume.  Again, this is 40 years of practice, trust me I know how it looks and acts.

Yes she could’ve just been having a bad day.. yes it may have been that time of the month.. yes she might be so young that she isn’t fully capable of faking happy expressions being in a work capacity.  Pick one, it’s all possible, but at that point I didn’t really care or have the time to try and figure out why she was doing that.

So when I notice for one, that she IS in fact the cashier, I start to question why she had such an attitude.  It wasn’t about getting the cheerful HI how are you today sir, or anything like that.. it was that I had been blatantly ignored.  The best way I can describe it is her finally looking up at me and saying without words what the fuck do you want?  When She actually did speak, she said what??  I said why do you have an attitude?  She replies with the same face, with what again.  I asked are you going to take my order?   She flippantly said what do you want.  I said #29 and she took my card.  She handled me my card back and I walked to go sit down where you see me in the video.

So she gave me the nastiest who the fuck are you faces, and wasn’t even TRYING to hide her disgust with having to take my order.

She was playing dumb like she didn’t know why I was asking her those questions.  That’s why later I asked WHY I had to ring the bell.. and if you listen she doesn’t answer that question. You can see how She ignores my question because she knows what she did and didn’t have a good answer for it.. she just states that it’s there in case she was in the back… again, not answering my clear question. you hear me then saying but you were right there.   That’s why I then Mentioned not being greeted.  I wasn’t looking for the red carpet treatment, just one of a normal person.

Now at this point I’m like what the hell is going on here.  Now it wasn’t just bad customer service, she was being rude and disrespectful for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON.

I didn’t immediately begin talking loud or being disrespectful.  That happened later once I had already ORDERED AND WAS SITTING DOWN.

I looked past the blatant disrespect and disregard by someone probably 25 years younger than me, and I ordered my food.  This is important to note, because it’s proof that I hadn’t said or did anything up to this point, or she probably wouldn’t have even taken my order.  That’s one part that made me initially say anything.. because I just felt like little girl who are you taking to like this?  I didn’t say it, but that’s what I felt.  It wasn’t oh this woman is a bitch, It was like a kid spitting in your face.. I didn’t want to curse her completely out like I would a disrespectful man, nor did I plan to or make any type of threats because it NEVER WAS ABOUT THAT.  I JUST CAME FOR FOOD AND GOT TREATED LIKE I HAD SHIT ON MY SHOE.

I just wanted to let her know that what she did wasn’t cool.. but I stayed mostly quiet at first because for one I know she’s a kid and ain’t trying to hear anything I say.. and two, if that hate was taught to her at home, nothing I say about it is going to get through to her.  So now in my mind, this is just another closet racist experience I was going to have to just suck up.

She was looking at me like I was beneath her.  And that type of shit comes from home.. her Abuela, mother, and aunts probably feel the same was about black men.  I’m assuming, but I’ve had too much prior experience with similar situations to not know what’s going on.  Mexicans who are cool with black people are nothing like that, so it’s easy to know the difference.

Normally, and I mean 9.5 times out of 10, I would have just said ok no problem I’m out, or give me my refund please never looking back, but I really liked the damn rice there, and had it on my mind the whole day.  So I ordered my food and went to sit down.

There’s no video of THAT PART, because there was nothing to see yet I guess.  The guy didn’t feel like me being ignored and treated like a nobody was important enough to record, or he did get it recorded and since it didn’t help make me look bad he didn’t send it in.  Only when the black guy starts talking loud, then he wants to be a white knight for his people. Who by the way NEVER asked for his assistance because she never felt helpless throughout the ordeal.  She was a WILLING PARTICIPANT.

This is a part of the whole issue as well.  Nobody shows up for us black men out here. Nobody. It’s like a sport where the ref don’t see the first punch, just the second guy swinging back.  People love to instigate things like this, and it’s ideally out of a bias they themselves have.

So I’m sitting down, waiting for my food so I can get out of there, and never go back, and I notice the Mexican couple you see in the video walk in.  Now, I KNOW 100% that she is going to greet them, I just knew it, because I knew she only did that because I’m a black man and I was looking rough at the time from work.  I see some of the people who frequent that place, and she probably assumed I was just another dirty bum or something.

So I waited quietly until I saw her greet them.  This is all happening fast.  Those people didn’t even get to the counter before she greeted them with big smile and everything.  I mean she smiled and said buenos Dias and asked them what they would like.

.. and at first I was willing to just eat it once again, this time from someone half my age, who shouldn’t feel like she can just do things like that to whoever without consequences.

So as I was SITTING, my point of highlighting that word is because lunatics and maniacs would be all in the persons face or something.  Throwing shit around or something.  You got the wrong guy.  I sat there and asked why she just greeted them so cheerfully, and treated me like I had shot her dog.  ONLY THEN, conveniently this guy started his recorder.  It’s so convenient how he missed ALL of that part.

As you can see and hear, she had NO PROBLEM continuing to talk to me crazy.. AGAIN FOR NO GOOD REASON.  Up to that point, I had not called her out of her name, I was not in her face or anything crazy like that. I was sitting down.  Common sense says I leave the counter and go to have a seat.  Our interaction was over.

So I made a bad choice and met her at her level of disrespect.  No she wasn’t cussing, probably because she was at work, but her mouth was very smart and she wasn’t holding back.  So since I knew I couldn’t reason with her, I just called her a little bitch.  People do worse every minute of the day, so even though I know it wasn’t the best decision, I’m not going to beat myself up about it.  This doesn’t happen everyday to me.  I dont need to repent or go to counseling, I just need to not go back there.  I don’t have these type of problems, and it’s on purpose.  I consciously stay away from places and people where I’m not welcome.  This was a new place, and up to that point had been great.

I never planned on going back, and I didn’t want or ask for a refund because I knew it would only take a few minutes and I would never have to see her again, so I just decided to wait for it.  Plus the back and forth really wasn’t devastating. She said plenty that you couldn’t hear, but you can clearly see it wasn’t a one way conversation.  She gets community impunity though for her words and actions.  Interesting.  The reason she didn’t want to call the police is because she KNEW she had done me wrong.  She KNEW unlike your followers what really happened that day.  She wasn’t showing grace or self control or any of the bs your followers want to believe.

People are under the assumption that I should’ve just walked away.. I should’ve not voiced my opinion that way.  I agree.. But those are the same people who couldn’t walk 10 steps in my shoes.  Not even one day without wanting to run back to their body. Their opinion is mute to me, because I can guarantee they wouldn’t walk away the 98% of times like I do if they were put in that same situation day in and day out.

And if you actually watch and listen, you see 2 things at the end of me and the girls interaction. 1, she brought my food out, and stood there until I got it from her hands.. and 2, I told her THANK YOU as I picked it up.   That means she wasn’t seeing me as a supervillain like the people in your comments or she would’ve just left it there or something.  At that point I imagine that she realized she was wrong too, and decided to drop it and leave the argument where it was.. People are so weird to think hey know someone based off of a 3 minute video.  She wasn’t scared of me and didn’t just leave it there because again she KNEW that she was wrong too and started that all for no good reason.

If I had it to do all over again, I’d just do like I normally do and let her make it. I’d once again accept the unwarranted blatant bias.. whether you call it racism or just rude, I would just let it go.  And her.. well she would walk off into the sunset smelling like flowers for no other reason than she’s a female..  Just another day as a black man in America.

As far as the guy recording, he can kiss my ass.  for anyone who will say he was afraid to confront me, that’s stupid.  Anyone who will put their phone in your face to record you ain’t scared… they are manipulating the situation… as he did.

On a second note for him, particularly why I said what I said to him… if you pay close attention to detail the way I do, listen to what he asks me.  More importantly, listen to HOW he asks me. He says something to the effect of, Do YOU speak 2 languages? No huh?  Bragging that he did in so many words.  And before I could answer, he was already smirking like he knew the answer… Which FURTHER proves my point about how he and the girl behind the counter viewed me, without even knowing me.  He automatically just by looking assumed I wasn’t smart enough to know 2 languages.

He was taught the same things about black people at home as the girl, and couldn’t be more far from the truth.  Wrong as I was, I called him a derogatory name because I felt like he was being racist. I sat close to him the way I did because I wanted him to feel like his personal space was being violated, the same way I felt having him record me.  I know he can legally record, that’s why I wasn’t one of those people who try to knock the camera out of his hand etc..  I said what I wanted to say, because he was doing what he wanted to do. He did nothing but stir the pot.  It’s funny the Hypocrisy from the commenters.  This guy judged me based off of nothing other than my appearance, smugly insinuating with a little jab that he’s somehow smarter than me because he knows 2 languages.  So he can throw a slight in there without you internet comment detectives noticing, but when I copy his accent to show he’s not as smart as he thinks, I’m the devil. Fuck you.

He acted as an instigator instead of someone who wanted the situation to stop or get better. You see I wasn’t even paying him any attention.  The people in the restaurant were moving normal and not paying me any attention because outside of me saying bitch a couple of times, there really was nothing to see.  There wasn’t anyone getting up and leaving out of fear or calling the police because it wasn’t that serious.  It was not some prolonged 10 / 20 minute fiasco.. the cashier was rude/racist for no good reason, I ordered my food, we had a back and forth for 2/3 minutes and I left.  If this is headline news to people, they must live amazing lives.

And you can let everybody know that nobody but me can destroy my life, so they are wasting their time trying.  I’m self made, and I made it that way a long time ago, this type of situation being the main reason. Can’t nobody break me because they didn’t make me.

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