Riot Comedy Club presents Sammy Obeid (Netflix, Last Comic Standing)


February 2, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


2010 Waugh Drive , Houston, Texas, 77006

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Get ready, Houston! The Riot Comedy Club is thrilled to present the one-and-only Sammy Obeid, on Feb. 3rd. Known for his appearances on Netflix and NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” Obeid brings a unique blend of humor and intelligence to the stage. As a Lebanese-Syrian-Palestinian-Italian American (that’s a mouthful), he skillfully mixes cultural experiences with his experience while attending UC Berkeley, creating a comedy experience that’s not only hilarious but thought-provoking. Don’t miss this chance to see the host of Netflix’s “100 Humans” and the record-setter for 1,001 consecutive nights of comedy. Tickets will sell out quickly, so don’t wait!