Third Arrest in Savannah Soto Case

As of this morning, January 10, 2024, a significant development has occurred in the Savanah Soto and Matthew Guerra case. Myrta Romanos has been identified as the third person arrested in connection with the case.
Live! The Latest on the Savannah Soto Case!

Perp Walk of Father and Son arrested for their Involvement in the Deaths of Savanah, Matthew and Baby Fabian.
Family of Savanah Soto Holds Vigil Rooted In Faith

[Due to copyrighted audio in the video please click HERE to view.] Approximately 100 people, including family and friends of Savanah Soto, gathered for a vigil at Kenwood Park on the North Side to honor her memory and that of her unborn child, Fabian. The emotional gathering saw the release of balloons and doves by […]