
Fatal Altercation Unfolds: HCSO Responds to Aggravated Assault in Aldine Area


15400 block of Sellers, near Aldine Bender and Hollyvale (Aldine area):

Sellers near Aldine Bender
HCSO received multiple calls for service for shots fired. Deputies were flagged by a witness and it was determined that this was an aggravated assault. Upon arrival, Deputies observed a suspect pointing a weapon at the driver side of a vehicle. Deputies exit their vehicles and they issue multple orders in English and Spanish to drop the weapon. Suspect pointed weapon at HCSO Deputies and Deputies discharged their weapons. Suspect was struck, Deputies secured the scene and began life saving measures. Suspect died at the scene.

Posted by Grizzy’s Hood News on Thursday, May 2, 2024


In the 15400 block of Sellers, near Aldine Bender and Hollyvale (Aldine area), HCSO received multiple calls for service regarding shots fired. Deputies were flagged by a witness, and it was determined that this was an aggravated assault. Upon arrival, deputies observed a suspect pointing a weapon at the driver’s side of a vehicle. Deputies exited their vehicles and issued multiple orders in English and Spanish to drop the weapon. The suspect pointed the weapon at HCSO deputies, and the deputies discharged their weapons. The suspect was struck, deputies secured the scene, and began life-saving measures. The suspect died at the scene.

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